Thursday, January 8, 2009

I am going to hate the next 8 years (at least in part).

Lets face it, I'm pretty convinced that the next 8 years will all be Obama presidency years. That being said, I'm going to loath them. Hold up, not for the reason you may think. I'm not going to hate them because Obama will be president, no. I am going to hate this continuation of what the Dems have been doing for the last 8 years.

For the last eight years, Democrats as a whole, and definitely as an entity, have rejoiced at every stumble, have cheered every misstep, and have basked in the perceived glory of anything that has happened to degrade, denounce, or attack the current president. It is a level of classlessness that is completely unparralleled in my experience.

I found it sickening. Did I like W? No, I think he is at the best, a mediocre president, that performed less than stellar during a very difficult 8 years. But it doesn't bring me joy to say that I think he failed in many ways. I don't say it with an 'I told you so' grin on my face. I refuse to join that mob as it forms beginning January 20th, as I can promise you it will. Except now it will be made up of Republicans, waiting with baited breath at any problem that comes up, almost hoping for problems, so they can point and snicker at Obama.

Now, to be clear, I didn't want him to be President. There are basic principles that we disagree about. I didn't vote for him, and wouldn't. That having been said, I hope and pray for his success. Its my country he will be leading, his failures will be our failures, and his success' ours. I want him to lead this country out of economic turmoil, I want him to make those policy decisions that will successfully fight world wide terror, and protect this country. Even when he does things I disagree with, I will hope that he does better.

I do not hate Barack Obama. I will not vilify anything he proposes, because he proposes it. I will not oppose him on some twisted principle. This is how I feel the Democrats have worked for the last 8 years. It has been one of the most disgusting displays I have ever seen, and I fear it has set a new standard, that the Republicans will be more than happy to live down to.

As he embarks on his first term, I will hope that it is successful, because I will gain nothing if he should fail.


Daisy Chick said...

I agree with this post whole heartedly. It seems we draw lines in the sand only to feel like we have somewhere to stand instead of hoping for people to accomplish good things regardless of the differences we may have. I believe we should stand up for the things we believe in, but that we should hope for all of our leaders to make wise choices and rejoice when they do. Thanks for this post.

letterman said...

Spot on, Dan. Of course, they hated on Reagan plenty, but not quite so much as on W--who isn't nearly as conservative. And opposing a politician, administration, or party doesn't have to mean opposing success for the country. I think that's what people mean when they answer in polls that our politics are too partisan.

I thought it was interesting that this morning Rush was complaining about Republicans in Congress not arguing against any of the incoming administration's proposals just because they don't want to seem mean. Potayto, potahto, I guess.

Dan said...

Rush thinks the Republicans are being too nice.


Rush is an idiot.