Monday, May 19, 2008

Iron Man ****

Alisa and I went to see Iron Man on Saturday night. It

First, I have to thank Amelia and Breanne. After taking the time to come up from Provo to see Cora's dance recital, which she appreciated so much, they stuck around to watch the kids while Alisa and I got to go out for our anniversary. Thanks, it meant a lot, and was very, very appreciated.

Now to the movie itself. As you can see, I gave it 4 stars. I can't say enough good things about this movie. It was well acted, it was well written, it was action packed. I loved it, and so did Alisa. I can't wait for the inevitable sequel. Good news, reportedly Robert Downey Jr. (Tony Stark/Iron Man in the movie) loved doing it, and is up for any and all sequels they want to make. Also, I noticed on IMDB that he will be making an appearance in the upcoming Incredible Hulk (as Stark). If you like comics, you'll love this movie, if you don't like comics, you'll love this movie. It lives by the rule of good comic book movies, it got real actors (Jeff Daniels, Gwyneth Paltrow, Robert Downey Jr. *look for a little cameo by Sameul L. Jackson*), was written very well, staying true to the story, but not being overly comic book cheesy.

I cannot recommend this movie enough, fabulous from start to finish. And, I would highly recommend that you stick around after the credits, there is a little teaser scene setting up the sequel.

For those really into comics, you will enjoy that S.H.I.E.L.D. makes an appearance, as does Nick Fury. And, the hint of a new government program called 'The Avenger Initiative' got me super juiced for summer 2011. July is the tentatively slated release date for The Avengers. By then Captain America should have come out. The plan is that they will do several individual marvel superhero comic -> Movie then they will coalesce into The Avengers, using all the big stars that are in the individual movies. It is highly exciting.

If you have the chance, you must go see Iron Man. I think its second only to Batman Begins for awesome comic book movies. It outshines the others.

1 comment:

Taylor said...

Nick Fury? As in Nick Fury; Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Wow. that was the worst movie I ever saw. David Hasselhoff at his absolute worst. Me and Andy watch that all the time when we need a horrible movie to make fun of. He rips his eye out at one point and it' s a bomb. When it blows up he actually says "If thy eye offendeth thee; pluck it out"

wow.. that's amazing.
Other best line of the movie comes only a few minutes in
"Let us rock! And let us roll!"