Monday, November 3, 2008

Legend of the Seeker

So, I am a big fan of Terry Goodkind. Love his books. They are probably my second favorite series. I got Alisa to read them, she loves them too. It was with guarded excitement that I heard that Sam Raimi had bought the rights to them and was making them into a miniseries. I have seen enough books/comic books/etc. that I have enjoyed made into movies that have been absolutely atrocious that I was gaurded in my optimism, and was fully prepared for these to be awful. Alisa, with less experience in this realm, didn't have her defenses prepared.

The first episode was on Saturday, and after returning from a great soccer game that Real won, and watching a so-so BYU game off of our DVR that BYU won, we set down to watch Legend of the Seeker, also recorded on our DVR from earlier that evening.

I don't know if words can adequately describe how truly terrible it was. I have watched some stupid stuff. I have enjoyed stupid stuff. Heck, there is a whole genre that some of us have dubbed 'Awesomely Bad' that I really enjoy, guilty pleasures if you will. This show could not have been worse. It hearkened back to the day when hollywood thought all they had to do was make a comic book movie, and they would at least get geeks to come. You know, before the time of real actors, writers, and directors being involved. When such gems as Batman & Robin, or STEEL starring Shaq came out.

I can't think of a single facet of this show that wasn't reprehensible in its mind-numbing, face melting stupidity. I couldn't hate this thing more. And I was prepared for it to suck, I feel really bad for Alisa, who really thought it was going to be good.


Taylor said...

in your Awsomely Bad category I suggest Santa with Muscles (starring Hulk Hogan), Robocop 3 (starring Splatter punks), Nick Fury: Agent of Shield (starring The Hoff), and Mystery Science Fiction Theater 3000 anything.

and how bout the team on the hill! Go Utes! If they play TCU like they played New Mexico on Saturday we're doomed.

Alisa said...

It's so true. I was so excited and it was awful. The best way I can explain it to not qeeks is that it's worse than what they did to the third Anne movie. They changed so much that they altered the personalities of the main people. They changed who Richard and Kalan were. They also took out some of my favorite parts and have guaranteed that more of my favorite parts will be removed or changed by how they have set things up. It makes me sad.

Dan said...

While MST3000 would definitely be in the awesomely bad category, I doubt the others you mention would. The movie actually has to be awesome. For a few examples. Ice Pirates, starring Angelica Houston and Robert Urich. Chronicles of Riddick, Predator, Red Dawn.

Sounds like Santa with muscles would just be bad. And I will not ever willingly watch a movie with the Hoff.

Karen said...

What about Jekyll and Hyde the Musical? He's totally awesome in that.

Taylor said...

Dude, Nick Fury: Agent of Shield must have the record for worst corny lines ever. seriously. at one point a guy jumps out to a charging group of bad guys yells "Let us Rock, and let us Roll!" and dies in a blaze of glory.

or at another point Nick Fury (the hoff) says "If they eye offend thee... pluck it out!" and then he does and it turns out his fake eye under the eye patch was actually a bomb which he uses to get out of the prison.

Dan, i promise you more laughs with that movie than you can imagine. just make sure you see it with MSFT3000 people who also enjoy heckling exceptionally bad movies.

by the way my cousin just posted a blog about Legend of the Seeker which happens to be identical to yours. must be really bad.