Thursday, February 19, 2009

Big fan of Energy Solutions

So, ES is back in the news. They have been trying to find a way to be allowed to expand their business to accept a very, very, lucrative contract. For those of you who don't know, ES specializes in disposal/management of radioactive material. Now hold on, I know the term radiactive makes you think of Marty McFly in his big yellow suit putting the Plutonium in the Delorean, but there are lots of types of radioactive material. I'm not an expert on radioactive materials, however, there are different levels. What Energy Solutions wants to do is bring in low level waste from Italy. Italy, not surprising, has no where to really put it, so they are willing to pony up big dollars (or Lira, though I would suggest that ES gets dollars), for somewhere to put it. Think about it, Italy is only 116,000 square miles with a population of 59 million, Utah itself is 85,000 with like 2.5-3 million. So, space wise, we're pretty open. But I am getting ahead of myself, I'll get back to our natural resource later.

Many people are completely against ES being allowed to do this, at the forefront is Gov. Huntsman. Though, I really think the reason people are against it is more PR and scare tactics than anything else. People seem to imagine glowing liquid being poured into their sewer's when they think of radioactive waste disposal. Please take a moment to go to this site. It is an aerial satelite view of Clive Utah, the only thing in Clive, is the ES disposal site.

ES has been blocked at every turn in trying to get authorization to bring in the italian waste. They have come up with a new proposal. With the state in such dire straights, economically, ES has proposed that in consideration for getting authorization to bring in the waste, they would give Utah 50% of the profits of the italian contract. That portion is estimated to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

Now, I frankly think that ES should have already been allowed to do this, as I don't understand the roadblocks put in front of this legal, legitimate, and very successful employer in our state. But, with this to sweeten the deal, I cannot fathom saying no. However, our Governor has vowed to veto any legislation that allows it. Some are hailing him as a hero, standing on the tracks, not allowing the death sludge into our state. I think he's being a grandstander.

With the clear boon to our state, and the fact that we are talking about a very good employer, and business, it baffles me that the State seems to be doing anything and everything they can to stand in the way of this businesses expansion and success.


letterman said...

Ooh, scary radioactivity! Even though we're all given the basics of what it is in our science classes, Americans always act like it's some superpowered black magic. It's such childish superstition that stands in the way of the best solution to the energy crisis. Grow up, Utah!

RealFruitBeverage said...

I think that low level radioactive waste needs to be rebranded. You wouldn't get half the guff if people were trying to store Cl or some other substance.

Also radioactive waste or free radical out put recyclables as I will call them now, generate heat. I wonder if it is possible to use that as an energy source.

Dan said...

free radical output recycleables. I like it.

From now on, they are to be referred as as Fror.