Monday, April 21, 2008

The Jazz Rule

I was previously letting my buddy keep a running commentary up on the Jazz on his blog. But since he is clearly a poser and ended up sucking at the job, I will pick it up now that we've hit the playoffs.

For any that saw the Jazz game on Saturday you'll agree with my in depth analysis...We Rule.

I am going to go ahead and call a sweep on this series. Granted, I'm not the first, several sports pundits are saying its likely so its not like I'm going out on a dangerous limb prediction wise. Its not that Houston can't win any of the games, or even that Houston couldn't still win the whole series. But the Jazz are playing great. If you've watched them the last few weeks of the season, you'll know what I'm talking about. Minus the last game where they lost to San Antonio, and it wasn't even close, they have been handily beating everyone at home, and playing some great ball away, including a quality win in New Orleans.

I have been a Jazz fan forever. And, if Bryan ever gets his keester in gear and moves back to Utah, I'll even get season tickets. But, until that day, I will watch and cheer. And continue to tell anyone who wants to listen, that the Jazz can win it all this year.

1 comment:

Cameron said...

Not quite a sweep, but close enough.

Rockets fans and players sure are whiners.