Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Is Anybody There.

I highly doubt anyone comes to this blog anymore, I mean, why would you when I don't even come here much anymore. Unfortunately it lost a lot of appeal when some random dude found the blog and reported something I had written to my superiors at work. I guess its not a good idea to bag on the legislature when you work for the government. I hear things all the time that interest me, and that I would like to talk about, but somehow it never gets written down on the blog. Maybe my expectations were just too high, thinking I needed some long in depth post in order to blog. I think perhaps I will begin blogging again with shorter posts about stuff I just happen to be thinking about at the time. Again, it will probably just be for me, but who knows, maybe I will be reaching some random nosy people who want to make sure I don't say anything inappropriate.


Taylor said...

I read your blog whenever it comes up in my news feed with something new. Sorry to hear about the tattle-tail. That's ridiculous. You could always go private? I've considered it. I still may at some point- especially with school ending and me preparing job applications. As proud as I am of my various pranks and adventures, perhaps they're best told to a private audience.

Unknown said...

Your experience is exactly why I stopped blogging about politics. Not that I ever blogged about anything related to my job...but, I didn't need my superiors finding out about my rants.

Dan said...

Wow, rather surprised anyone was still there.

I've thought about the private thing Taylor, but I have had people comment that I never knew read, and for the most part I like that. I just have to steer away from politics.

Daisy Chick said...

Glad your blogging again Dan. I always enjoy reading about your ideas.