Saturday, May 23, 2009

Things I don't get; heavy bass.

So I was running an errand yesterday, and behind me, at a stoplight, was some moron with his bass pumping. I don't get the bass thing, I don't get why it makes you 'cool'. I find it nauseating, literally, whatever it is doing to my inner ear or insides is incredibly uncomfortable. When I get stuck by someone blasting their bass away I get the urge to take a baseball bat to their sound equipment.


RealFruitBeverage said...

I think it is because in general you don't like that kind of music. I'm sure if someone had yodeling(sp) real loud I would feel the same. But baring a nois ordnace violation I don't really see a problem.

Dan said...

Nah, its not that I don't like the music, its the fact that it literally makes me ill. The low bass at that volume actually makes me ill.