So, I was asked what I would do about Illegal Immigration so I'll lay it out here. I'm more than happy to entertain suggestions, but from all of the thought I have given it, I've come up with the following. (In the spirit of disclosure, not all of the ideas are mine, but I take what I like and run with it).
First, to get some basic foundational things out of the way. I do think illegal immigration is a problem. I do think our society would be better off with 0 illegal immigration. There are obvious problems with tax implications, working under the table, and most importantly in my mind, id theft. Plus, the influx of people coming over the border makes enforcement nearly impossible, which I also believe is very problematic. I see those as the main problems, and I do believe that they need to be fixed. Here is my basic plan for what to do.
First, to be perfectly clear, I think trying to deal with only half of this problem at a time is just ridiculous. To compare it to say, the oil leak in the gulf, makes absolutely no sense, you do not have to 'plug the leak' before any 'clean up' takes place. If the system to get here legally, and the system for dealing with people already here is not fixed at the same time the border is fixed, the border fix will not work. They must go hand in hand.
Okay, here we go. There are 3 basic problems that need to be dealt with. First, the border. Second, the system of entering the country legally. Third, what to do with the millions of undocumented people already here.
First, the border. Having a secure border is absolutely necessary for national security. Immigration proponents that do not believe that, in my opinion, are just as self-deluded as immigration opponents who think all we need to do is enforce harshly and the rest cares for itself. I will forego a giant list of reasons for enforcing border security, the necessity is a given. I believe in a multi prong approach. I believe that there needs to be a combination of physical barriers, increased border patrol presence (i.e. more agents), and a high reliance on advanced technology. Currently, our best weapon, the advanced technology, is basically crippled. So many people come across that it is hard to use the technology to its utmost, to pinpoint spots that bad guys are crossing. This is fixed with dealing with the second basic problem, but we'll get there. Once there is a way for those who want to come here for work/school/medical care/freedom etc. legally, then those who are sneaking across, and are caught with the technology, we know they are the bad guys. All of these things, in my opinion, will be very successful, but only if we drastically cut the number of people crossing the border everywhere.
(to be clear though, no matter how much security at the border is stepped up, there will always be ways to cross the border illegally. But if we can expend the resources to stop drugs, criminals, and all around bad people from coming in, instead of the good guys, we'll be much more effective)
Second, we need to fix the system of entering the country legally. Currently, for someone to enter the country legally requires a lot of money, time, and luck. The system imposes burdensome fees at almost every crossroads of legal entry and residence and citizenship. The fees themselves are a giant fence keeping out the poor. Then there is the beauracracy. Paperwork, and waiting periods. The yearly alotment of guest worker visas is routinely gone by January or February. People's requests for entry into the country can take literally (and its very important that that is understood, this is not hyperbole) years. YEARS. However, if you have luck on your side it might work. A labyrinth of rules on which people we want to let in and who we don't make it so that there are some (professional athletes, maybe someone a big corporation wants to come in and work, basically someone that a very wealthy person/corporation is interested in), are able to get through the system fairly quickly, while someone unskilled or 'less desireable' may for all intents and purposes be barred from entry.
It would be my proposal that we simplify the process. People wishing to come here could. A criminal background check would be used. And everyone entering would be fingerprinted, and obviously have to go through a search for drugs etc.. There would be a few specific entry points, anyone entering at any other spot would be assumed to be a criminal. We could have two separate systems, one for those who just want to come work (guest worker program) and another for those who want a path to citizenship.
Third, what to do with those that are here. Honestly, I have no problem with the word amnesty. I think its a great word, and I embrace it fully. If estimates are to be believed, there are between 12-20 million undocumented people here. In my opinion, the only workable option is to provide a plan to let these people make themselves right with the law. A system whereby individuals need to come forward, pay a fine, and register. They then can enter one of the two systems, guest worker, or path to citizenship. I don't care if we put them at the end of the line (I actually don't think it matters, since we are blowing up the line anyway), but those that are here that want to become citizens should have that opportunity.
This takes care of all of the problems I have heard associated with illegal immigration. Taxes are now paid, they pay into the system that they benefit from, and most importantly, identity theft is left to the tweakers. Immediately the demand for false/stolen ids plummets, which cuts into the money of criminal elements.
On top of this, once these problems are taken care of, I have no problem with huge penalties for those who employ anyone illegally. Giant fines, and possible criminal penalties for knowingly employing someone here illegaly.
Any thoughts?